Women2Women Blog: The Little Girl Inside Us All

By Laura Greer

Psalm 139:13-14 

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

I spent so much of my younger life comparing. Comparing myself to those around me. Comparing my life to theirs. Comparing looks, resources, talents, gifts, jobs... 

The list goes on. 

Always resulting in a feeling of lack. Lack of faith. Lack of hope. Lack of joy. Lack of beauty. Lack of success.

Can you relate?

This is the abyss we reside in when we compare ourselves to others. Mark Twain's wisdom reminds us, "Comparison is the death of joy." I was a living testament to that statement for longer than I'd like to admit.

But what if...

What if we understand we're more alike than we realize? And yet, so uniquely different in the way we're each created that it's to be celebrated, not compared? 

What if we take the time to stop with the pretenses and assumptions about others, and simply listen? Maybe even ask a few questions?

A few years ago, I emceed at a women's event for the first time. Prior to this, it would have been a very daunting task for me to even consider, let alone do without extreme levels of fear and nausea. 

This time was different. As I stood there, looking out at a room full of women, I realized these women weren't intimidating to me because they were "more of this," or "more of that." I simply stood in a room of women with the commonality that we all still have that little girl inside of us. 

The little girl with dreams, hopes, and aspirations, yet filled with fears, doubts, and worries. A room full of women yearning for connection and commonality after a year and a half of living in the desert season of a pandemic, when were sequestered in our homes, socially distanced and unable to hug each other.

Have desert seasons left you yearning for more?

The next time you look at someone else and start to think, "I wish I was more like her," I encourage you to stop right there and express gratitude for who you are. Praise God that you are fearfully and wonderfully made, with a unique combination of spiritual gifts, abilities, experiences and skills! Your path and your journey are yours and yours alone. 

You, my friend, are a unique reflection of God. 

When we shift our focus from a perspective of comparison and lack to one of gratitude and purpose, we grow. We grow into the person our soul yearns for us to be. We grow into the person we're created to be, which has been there all along. It just takes some digging through the layers of false-self piled upon us to find our true-self in Christ.

Befriend some of those people you've been comparing yourself to. Learn about their journey, and you may just find they've faced similar struggles and concerns. And, more often than not, you'll find they're willing to share their wisdom and how they overcame those obstacles. They may even become one of your greatest encouragers, and friends, along the way.

We are one in Christ, yet unique in our reflection of him. It's one of the beautiful mysteries of our faith. 

Who are you created to be? What are the dreams and aspirations the little girl inside of you is yearning for? What are the experiences and gifts you have that you can explore further to understand how they combine to create your beautiful reflection of God? 

The journey is meant to be traveled in community. We have resources and encouragers to help you along the way. If this is a conversation you'd like to begin, we'd love to encourage and equip you for the journey. 


Connecting with God, Ourselves and Others